I think I've never posted it, but I have assembled a small but mighty A/V kit that I'll bring to the Matrix FOSDEM Fringe event (that's on Friday 31, 13:00 CET at HSBXL!)
I think I've never posted it, but I have assembled a small but mighty A/V kit that I'll bring to the Matrix FOSDEM Fringe event (that's on Friday 31, 13:00 CET at HSBXL!)
It's a ZV-E10 camera + 2 lenses, a pair of extra batteries, a pair of microphones, and a gray card.
Very compact but extremely useful to keep decent quality recordings of talks and to take portraits!
thibaultamartin@mamot.frantwortete an thibaultamartin@mamot.fr zuletzt editiert von
Oh and of course, all the editing is going to be done with the awesome @kdenlive.
If you can afford to donate or bring your organization to do it I would be tremendously grateful!