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Help Translate NodeBB!

  • We've had some really great contributions to our language files since we started supporting translations in NodeBB core, although keeping up with the changes has been quite hard. Specifically:

    • There was never really any way to check if any changes were out of date, except trying out every page of NodeBB in a new language and looking for incorrect language tags
    • When a language tag was missing, the system ended up showing the unattractive "code" behind the tag, instead of a sensible fallback like English

    To that end, we've registered NodeBB as a project on Transifex! Using a web site like this will allow us to see at a glance how complete each language is, and allow translators to quickly see which strings need translating, and which do not.


    Start Translating Now!

  • We've had some really great contributions to our language files since we started supporting translations in NodeBB core, although keeping up with the changes has been quite hard. Specifically:

    • There was never really any way to check if any changes were out of date, except trying out every page of NodeBB in a new language and looking for incorrect language tags
    • When a language tag was missing, the system ended up showing the unattractive "code" behind the tag, instead of a sensible fallback like English

    To that end, we've registered NodeBB as a project on Transifex! Using a web site like this will allow us to see at a glance how complete each language is, and allow translators to quickly see which strings need translating, and which do not.


    Start Translating Now!

    The best part is that you don't need to know how to code (and worry about syntax, JSON, etc). I just checked out the UI and its quite user friendly. 🙂

  • We've had some really great contributions to our language files since we started supporting translations in NodeBB core, although keeping up with the changes has been quite hard. Specifically:

    • There was never really any way to check if any changes were out of date, except trying out every page of NodeBB in a new language and looking for incorrect language tags
    • When a language tag was missing, the system ended up showing the unattractive "code" behind the tag, instead of a sensible fallback like English

    To that end, we've registered NodeBB as a project on Transifex! Using a web site like this will allow us to see at a glance how complete each language is, and allow translators to quickly see which strings need translating, and which do not.


    Start Translating Now!

    NodeBB in Spanish its now fully translated.
    I finished today.

    Maybe can get help to recover my nodeBB installation?

  • We've had some really great contributions to our language files since we started supporting translations in NodeBB core, although keeping up with the changes has been quite hard. Specifically:

    • There was never really any way to check if any changes were out of date, except trying out every page of NodeBB in a new language and looking for incorrect language tags
    • When a language tag was missing, the system ended up showing the unattractive "code" behind the tag, instead of a sensible fallback like English

    To that end, we've registered NodeBB as a project on Transifex! Using a web site like this will allow us to see at a glance how complete each language is, and allow translators to quickly see which strings need translating, and which do not.


    Start Translating Now!

    I translating NODEBB in Italian.
    Thanks to all for this fantastic Project.

    26/10/2014 11:34 : Translation Completed in Italian.

    Remain only 2 String

    1. Successfully forked topic! Click here to go to the forked topic. ( Topic )
    2. Teaser does not exist ( Error )

    Because i don't understand what does it mean.

  • I translating NODEBB in Italian.
    Thanks to all for this fantastic Project.

    26/10/2014 11:34 : Translation Completed in Italian.

    Remain only 2 String

    1. Successfully forked topic! Click here to go to the forked topic. ( Topic )
    2. Teaser does not exist ( Error )

    Because i don't understand what does it mean.

    > Remain only 2 String
    > 1) Successfully forked topic! Click here to go to the forked topic. ( Topic )
    > 2) Teaser does not exist ( Error )
    > Because i don't understand what does it mean.

    Just an idea:

    1. Fork/copia della discussione creato con successo! Clicca qui per andare al fork della discussione/alla discussione appena copiata. ( Discussione )
    2. Il teaser non esiste ( Errore )
  • > Remain only 2 String
    > 1) Successfully forked topic! Click here to go to the forked topic. ( Topic )
    > 2) Teaser does not exist ( Error )
    > Because i don't understand what does it mean.

    Just an idea:

    1. Fork/copia della discussione creato con successo! Clicca qui per andare al fork della discussione/alla discussione appena copiata. ( Discussione )
    2. Il teaser non esiste ( Errore )

    @0564 said:
    > > Remain only 2 String
    > > 1) Successfully forked topic! Click here to go to the forked topic. ( Topic )
    > > 2) Teaser does not exist ( Error )
    > >
    > > Because i don't understand what does it mean.
    > Just an idea:
    > 1) Fork/copia della discussione creato con successo! Clicca qui per andare al fork della discussione/alla discussione appena copiata. ( Discussione )
    > 2) Il teaser non esiste ( Errore )

    What are Fork and Teaser?

  • We've had some really great contributions to our language files since we started supporting translations in NodeBB core, although keeping up with the changes has been quite hard. Specifically:

    • There was never really any way to check if any changes were out of date, except trying out every page of NodeBB in a new language and looking for incorrect language tags
    • When a language tag was missing, the system ended up showing the unattractive "code" behind the tag, instead of a sensible fallback like English

    To that end, we've registered NodeBB as a project on Transifex! Using a web site like this will allow us to see at a glance how complete each language is, and allow translators to quickly see which strings need translating, and which do not.


    Start Translating Now!

    Fork means splitting a topic into another by taking some posts out. Teaser is just a small information about a post, for example


    is a teaser.

  • We've had some really great contributions to our language files since we started supporting translations in NodeBB core, although keeping up with the changes has been quite hard. Specifically:

    • There was never really any way to check if any changes were out of date, except trying out every page of NodeBB in a new language and looking for incorrect language tags
    • When a language tag was missing, the system ended up showing the unattractive "code" behind the tag, instead of a sensible fallback like English

    To that end, we've registered NodeBB as a project on Transifex! Using a web site like this will allow us to see at a glance how complete each language is, and allow translators to quickly see which strings need translating, and which do not.


    Start Translating Now!

    I don't think there's an equivalent of "Fork" in Italian. The closest word is "Copia". Also, the closest word to "Teaser" is "Estratto" but "L'estratto non esiste" sounds weird.

    Just checked the Turkish translation and Fork is translated as "Ayir" which more or less means "Split". I would still leave it at "Fork" in Italian because otherwise it sounds extremely weird.

  • We've had some really great contributions to our language files since we started supporting translations in NodeBB core, although keeping up with the changes has been quite hard. Specifically:

    • There was never really any way to check if any changes were out of date, except trying out every page of NodeBB in a new language and looking for incorrect language tags
    • When a language tag was missing, the system ended up showing the unattractive "code" behind the tag, instead of a sensible fallback like English

    To that end, we've registered NodeBB as a project on Transifex! Using a web site like this will allow us to see at a glance how complete each language is, and allow translators to quickly see which strings need translating, and which do not.


    Start Translating Now!

    Forking the topic and Splitting the topic are functionally the same thing. You're taking posts from a topic and creating another topic with those posts.

  • Forking the topic and Splitting the topic are functionally the same thing. You're taking posts from a topic and creating another topic with those posts.

    @a_5mith That's what I understood more or less. "Forking" is obviously a term introduced in the programming world, and like most of the programming terms, Italian and many other languages lack proper counterparts. Was surprised that Turkish had a word for it "Ayir".

    Maybe there's a counterpart not sounding weird, which is "To duplicate", or in Italian "Duplica" (as in "Successfully duplicated topic! Click here to go to the duplicated topic"). Can you confirm this is a good replacement?

  • @a_5mith That's what I understood more or less. "Forking" is obviously a term introduced in the programming world, and like most of the programming terms, Italian and many other languages lack proper counterparts. Was surprised that Turkish had a word for it "Ayir".

    Maybe there's a counterpart not sounding weird, which is "To duplicate", or in Italian "Duplica" (as in "Successfully duplicated topic! Click here to go to the duplicated topic"). Can you confirm this is a good replacement?

    @x01dev Not really, because you're not duplicating the topic. You're taking off topic posts from one topic, and forming a new topic with those off topic posts. I'm not entirely sure that Fork is the correct term to be used here:

    >"Fork" in the meaning of "to divide in branches, go separate ways" has been used as early as the 14th century.[2] In the software environment, the term "fork" entered computing jargon around 1969 with the Unix mechanism by which a process split in two by forming an identical copy of itself.

    Forking a topic here doesn't create an identical copy, it's a split, other forum software uses "split".

  • @x01dev Not really, because you're not duplicating the topic. You're taking off topic posts from one topic, and forming a new topic with those off topic posts. I'm not entirely sure that Fork is the correct term to be used here:

    >"Fork" in the meaning of "to divide in branches, go separate ways" has been used as early as the 14th century.[2] In the software environment, the term "fork" entered computing jargon around 1969 with the Unix mechanism by which a process split in two by forming an identical copy of itself.

    Forking a topic here doesn't create an identical copy, it's a split, other forum software uses "split".

    @a_5mith said:
    > @x01dev Not really, because you're not duplicating the topic. You're taking off topic posts from one topic, and forming a new topic with those off topic posts. I'm not entirely sure that Fork is the correct term to be used here:
    > >"Fork" in the meaning of "to divide in branches, go separate ways" has been used as early as the 14th century.[2] In the software environment, the term "fork" entered computing jargon around 1969 with the Unix mechanism by which a process split in two by forming an identical copy of itself.
    > Forking a topic here doesn't create an identical copy, it's a split, other forum software uses "split".

    Perfect. Thank. Now I understood.

    Update 00:05 : Italian is completed.

  • We've had some really great contributions to our language files since we started supporting translations in NodeBB core, although keeping up with the changes has been quite hard. Specifically:

    • There was never really any way to check if any changes were out of date, except trying out every page of NodeBB in a new language and looking for incorrect language tags
    • When a language tag was missing, the system ended up showing the unattractive "code" behind the tag, instead of a sensible fallback like English

    To that end, we've registered NodeBB as a project on Transifex! Using a web site like this will allow us to see at a glance how complete each language is, and allow translators to quickly see which strings need translating, and which do not.


    Start Translating Now!

    Just a heads up to let you know that I've begun translating NodeBB to danish.

  • We've had some really great contributions to our language files since we started supporting translations in NodeBB core, although keeping up with the changes has been quite hard. Specifically:

    • There was never really any way to check if any changes were out of date, except trying out every page of NodeBB in a new language and looking for incorrect language tags
    • When a language tag was missing, the system ended up showing the unattractive "code" behind the tag, instead of a sensible fallback like English

    To that end, we've registered NodeBB as a project on Transifex! Using a web site like this will allow us to see at a glance how complete each language is, and allow translators to quickly see which strings need translating, and which do not.


    Start Translating Now!

    Question? Does one have to copy the html etc. into the translated text? ex :

    Hello $myvariable would be in my case danish :

    Godag $myvariable


  • We've had some really great contributions to our language files since we started supporting translations in NodeBB core, although keeping up with the changes has been quite hard. Specifically:

    • There was never really any way to check if any changes were out of date, except trying out every page of NodeBB in a new language and looking for incorrect language tags
    • When a language tag was missing, the system ended up showing the unattractive "code" behind the tag, instead of a sensible fallback like English

    To that end, we've registered NodeBB as a project on Transifex! Using a web site like this will allow us to see at a glance how complete each language is, and allow translators to quickly see which strings need translating, and which do not.


    Start Translating Now!

    Yes. Compare translations in another language to see what is kept and what isn't 🙂

  • We've had some really great contributions to our language files since we started supporting translations in NodeBB core, although keeping up with the changes has been quite hard. Specifically:

    • There was never really any way to check if any changes were out of date, except trying out every page of NodeBB in a new language and looking for incorrect language tags
    • When a language tag was missing, the system ended up showing the unattractive "code" behind the tag, instead of a sensible fallback like English

    To that end, we've registered NodeBB as a project on Transifex! Using a web site like this will allow us to see at a glance how complete each language is, and allow translators to quickly see which strings need translating, and which do not.


    Start Translating Now!

    I would like to translate NodeBB, buy the website "Transifex" is really slow.

    Is there any other way to do so?

  • We've had some really great contributions to our language files since we started supporting translations in NodeBB core, although keeping up with the changes has been quite hard. Specifically:

    • There was never really any way to check if any changes were out of date, except trying out every page of NodeBB in a new language and looking for incorrect language tags
    • When a language tag was missing, the system ended up showing the unattractive "code" behind the tag, instead of a sensible fallback like English

    To that end, we've registered NodeBB as a project on Transifex! Using a web site like this will allow us to see at a glance how complete each language is, and allow translators to quickly see which strings need translating, and which do not.


    Start Translating Now!

    Hey, I've started working on the hebrew translation! 🙏

  • We've had some really great contributions to our language files since we started supporting translations in NodeBB core, although keeping up with the changes has been quite hard. Specifically:

    • There was never really any way to check if any changes were out of date, except trying out every page of NodeBB in a new language and looking for incorrect language tags
    • When a language tag was missing, the system ended up showing the unattractive "code" behind the tag, instead of a sensible fallback like English

    To that end, we've registered NodeBB as a project on Transifex! Using a web site like this will allow us to see at a glance how complete each language is, and allow translators to quickly see which strings need translating, and which do not.


    Start Translating Now!

    Swedish should be 100% now! Trying to keep it up-to-date 😉

  • We've had some really great contributions to our language files since we started supporting translations in NodeBB core, although keeping up with the changes has been quite hard. Specifically:

    • There was never really any way to check if any changes were out of date, except trying out every page of NodeBB in a new language and looking for incorrect language tags
    • When a language tag was missing, the system ended up showing the unattractive "code" behind the tag, instead of a sensible fallback like English

    To that end, we've registered NodeBB as a project on Transifex! Using a web site like this will allow us to see at a glance how complete each language is, and allow translators to quickly see which strings need translating, and which do not.


    Start Translating Now!

    Dutch is 100% now!

  • We've had some really great contributions to our language files since we started supporting translations in NodeBB core, although keeping up with the changes has been quite hard. Specifically:

    • There was never really any way to check if any changes were out of date, except trying out every page of NodeBB in a new language and looking for incorrect language tags
    • When a language tag was missing, the system ended up showing the unattractive "code" behind the tag, instead of a sensible fallback like English

    To that end, we've registered NodeBB as a project on Transifex! Using a web site like this will allow us to see at a glance how complete each language is, and allow translators to quickly see which strings need translating, and which do not.


    Start Translating Now!

    Polish is 100% now 🙂

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