Features that are urgent to have on nodebb
Firstly, hello to the developers and community. This is my first post
I have been using nodebb lately and I can say that it is a very good peace of forum software. It has a nice, fast, snappy interface and all of that with making very low resources footprint on hosting machine.
I was using Discourse last couple of years and I can say that Discourse is very resource hungry compared to nodebb. I can say that nodebb has a great potential and maintenance is much easier.
I like default Harmony Theme but there are some missing Features that are must to have, to have it implemented into nodebb, that Discourse for example already has:
- Floating top Header with Logo, Topic name, and maybe Category and tags. Why is it important? Because when user is browsing Forum with multiple tabs opened in Browser, User can not now which Topic is which. When scrolling/reading/answering trough the Topics User can easily lose the Topic awareness. Brand Logo should always be there to make Forum Brand recognizable and to bring the User back to Home/Main forum page (especially useful on Mobile UI). This Header could float on top like this floating Header that floats when Subcategories are opened with options for filters but this time we can have the same on topic floating on top with Forum Logo, Topic name and Category, Tags.. (All that on Mobile devices as well). I know that we have other Themes, but I meant it for Harmony as a standard theme to have it.
- S3 Amazon as core a plugin for Assets (Pictures, files, etc.) and for Backup outsourcing. This would make nodebb robust for bigger Communities that make Uploads of Pictures intensively. "Picture says thousand words" and community is much richer in conversation using them. It would benefit if we have better support for assets to store them on S3 Bucket. This is also mostly the case why many communities use Discourse for example.
- Core support for using nodebb as a commenting engine for Wordpress, Drupal, Ghost blog software. Right now we do have a Plugin that is not working. (I could not make it work on Wordpress). This feature is a must have, as this would than popularize nodebb to be used as light companion software for Blogs (Worpress) as a commenting system and a way to engage with community.
I would urge you to add this Features to Standard nodebb installation as a core features. Because without them, people would more often chose Discourse over nodebb and that is not fair. nodebb deserves more love and engage. With those features und lightness of nodebb itself it can gain more popularity.
So to summarize, there are 3 Feature requests as a core:
- Header on topics with Logo, Topic tame and Category/Tags
- Commenting support for Wordpress, Ghost, Drupal
- S3 as a assets storage and Backup
Firstly, hello to the developers and community. This is my first post
I have been using nodebb lately and I can say that it is a very good peace of forum software. It has a nice, fast, snappy interface and all of that with making very low resources footprint on hosting machine.
I was using Discourse last couple of years and I can say that Discourse is very resource hungry compared to nodebb. I can say that nodebb has a great potential and maintenance is much easier.
I like default Harmony Theme but there are some missing Features that are must to have, to have it implemented into nodebb, that Discourse for example already has:
- Floating top Header with Logo, Topic name, and maybe Category and tags. Why is it important? Because when user is browsing Forum with multiple tabs opened in Browser, User can not now which Topic is which. When scrolling/reading/answering trough the Topics User can easily lose the Topic awareness. Brand Logo should always be there to make Forum Brand recognizable and to bring the User back to Home/Main forum page (especially useful on Mobile UI). This Header could float on top like this floating Header that floats when Subcategories are opened with options for filters but this time we can have the same on topic floating on top with Forum Logo, Topic name and Category, Tags.. (All that on Mobile devices as well). I know that we have other Themes, but I meant it for Harmony as a standard theme to have it.
- S3 Amazon as core a plugin for Assets (Pictures, files, etc.) and for Backup outsourcing. This would make nodebb robust for bigger Communities that make Uploads of Pictures intensively. "Picture says thousand words" and community is much richer in conversation using them. It would benefit if we have better support for assets to store them on S3 Bucket. This is also mostly the case why many communities use Discourse for example.
- Core support for using nodebb as a commenting engine for Wordpress, Drupal, Ghost blog software. Right now we do have a Plugin that is not working. (I could not make it work on Wordpress). This feature is a must have, as this would than popularize nodebb to be used as light companion software for Blogs (Worpress) as a commenting system and a way to engage with community.
I would urge you to add this Features to Standard nodebb installation as a core features. Because without them, people would more often chose Discourse over nodebb and that is not fair. nodebb deserves more love and engage. With those features und lightness of nodebb itself it can gain more popularity.
So to summarize, there are 3 Feature requests as a core:
- Header on topics with Logo, Topic tame and Category/Tags
- Commenting support for Wordpress, Ghost, Drupal
- S3 as a assets storage and Backup
@arnel specifically with WordPress, have you considered the ActivityPub plugin?
Once you enable that, you will be able to pull comment threads from WordPress and reply to them in NodeBB.
@pfefferle@mastodon.social (from WordPress) and I have a vested interest in keeping this working.