Der Blick in die USA zeigt: Wir wären gut beraten die Aussagen von Rechtsextremen dazu, was sie an der Macht vorhaben, nicht länger fantasievoll umzudeuten, als wäre schon nicht gemeint, was gesagt wurde.
Der Blick in die USA zeigt: Wir wären gut beraten die Aussagen von Rechtsextremen dazu, was sie an der Macht vorhaben, nicht länger fantasievoll umzudeuten, als wäre schon nicht gemeint, was gesagt wurde.
Der Blick in die USA zeigt: Wir wären gut beraten die Aussagen von Rechtsextremen dazu, was sie an der Macht vorhaben, nicht länger fantasievoll umzudeuten, als wäre schon nicht gemeint, was gesagt wurde.
@ebassi @niccolove I don't think I can share any hard numbers off-hand. The tangible change is that the number of webservice pods for our GitLab instance went down from the maximum 6 to the minimum 3, while becoming more responsive to what users are doing. People can also run `git clone/pull/push` and expect it will finish relatively quickly instead of getting errors.The logs I'm looking at right now are ephemeral and the earliest line starts today at 17:34 UTC and ends about now. Anubis explicitly denied 81366 clients (bots and abusive scrappers with recognizable user-agent patterns), while 2690 clients passed the proof of work challenge. That's only the last 2.5 hours!For anything more I would need to dive into our log collection system, and I'm afraid I don't have much time for that.
@AltCode said in Forum specific UX for remote categories:
> My thinking was that all the remote categories you follow are listed in your /world page
That might get a little hairy if you follow a lot of categories.
Right now posts from any categories you follow would still show up in your world feed. If you follow a remote category, you would essentially be "tracking" the category, in NodeBB parlance. New topics and posts would show up in your /unread and /recent. If you "watch" the category, then you'll be notified of every new topic.