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Social Web FOSDEM Wrap-up and Next Steps

  • It’s been more than a week since the last event at , and I’m just now getting to writing up some summary thoughts and follow-on notes. We had three big planned events at FOSDEM, so there is an overwhelming amount to think about, and take-aways to discuss. The biggest take-away for me was: we needed this. The Social Web developer community came together in person for the first time in a while, and it was remarkably fruitful.

    For those who weren’t able to attend in person, or who want to go back and review or share great talks, there are a few options. First, the Social Web Devroom talks were all recorded with audio and video, some of which have begun appearing on the FOSDEM web site; check the specific talks for details. Most of the schedule entries have attached slides in PDF format, also.

    The Social Web BOF was not recorded in video, but most of the talks have published slides. Benjamin Bellamy of Castopod also thoughtfully recorded audio for the talks, so I will try to slice them up into listenable chunks, one for each talk. The BOF talks were some of my favourites, so I’m looking forward to getting these released.

    Finally, the Social Web After Hours event was not recorded at all, but some of the presenters have released their slides. Julian Lam’s talk, “The Fediverse is Quiet“, was re-recorded for you to view. This event was a great way to end the weekend, with a much more casual and intimate vibe than the lecture rooms at ULB. A fun time.

    Lastly, I’ve organized a FOSDEM debrief for speakers at all of the events for this week. If you were at FOSDEM and you’d like to attend, comment here or DM me at @evan .

  • It’s been more than a week since the last event at , and I’m just now getting to writing up some summary thoughts and follow-on notes. We had three big planned events at FOSDEM, so there is an overwhelming amount to think about, and take-aways to discuss. The biggest take-away for me was: we needed this. The Social Web developer community came together in person for the first time in a while, and it was remarkably fruitful.

    For those who weren’t able to attend in person, or who want to go back and review or share great talks, there are a few options. First, the Social Web Devroom talks were all recorded with audio and video, some of which have begun appearing on the FOSDEM web site; check the specific talks for details. Most of the schedule entries have attached slides in PDF format, also.

    The Social Web BOF was not recorded in video, but most of the talks have published slides. Benjamin Bellamy of Castopod also thoughtfully recorded audio for the talks, so I will try to slice them up into listenable chunks, one for each talk. The BOF talks were some of my favourites, so I’m looking forward to getting these released.

    Finally, the Social Web After Hours event was not recorded at all, but some of the presenters have released their slides. Julian Lam’s talk, “The Fediverse is Quiet“, was re-recorded for you to view. This event was a great way to end the weekend, with a much more casual and intimate vibe than the lecture rooms at ULB. A fun time.

    Lastly, I’ve organized a FOSDEM debrief for speakers at all of the events for this week. If you were at FOSDEM and you’d like to attend, comment here or DM me at @evan .

    @evanprodromou @evan yes, the meeting has indeed started something that can't yet be named. but it feels damn good.

  • It’s been more than a week since the last event at , and I’m just now getting to writing up some summary thoughts and follow-on notes. We had three big planned events at FOSDEM, so there is an overwhelming amount to think about, and take-aways to discuss. The biggest take-away for me was: we needed this. The Social Web developer community came together in person for the first time in a while, and it was remarkably fruitful.

    For those who weren’t able to attend in person, or who want to go back and review or share great talks, there are a few options. First, the Social Web Devroom talks were all recorded with audio and video, some of which have begun appearing on the FOSDEM web site; check the specific talks for details. Most of the schedule entries have attached slides in PDF format, also.

    The Social Web BOF was not recorded in video, but most of the talks have published slides. Benjamin Bellamy of Castopod also thoughtfully recorded audio for the talks, so I will try to slice them up into listenable chunks, one for each talk. The BOF talks were some of my favourites, so I’m looking forward to getting these released.

    Finally, the Social Web After Hours event was not recorded at all, but some of the presenters have released their slides. Julian Lam’s talk, “The Fediverse is Quiet“, was re-recorded for you to view. This event was a great way to end the weekend, with a much more casual and intimate vibe than the lecture rooms at ULB. A fun time.

    Lastly, I’ve organized a FOSDEM debrief for speakers at all of the events for this week. If you were at FOSDEM and you’d like to attend, comment here or DM me at @evan . thank you again for organizing it all, I was really happy (and just a little proud) to be part of the inaugural social web series of events at FOSDEM.

    The debrief should be illuminating, I would like to attend, please!

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