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Minutes from 6 March 2025 WG Meeting

  • March 2025 ForumWG Minutes

    Apologies in advance if I misrepresented anybody or missed any crucial bits of information.

    • Julian provided a brief summary of the state of conversational contexts
      • two-pronged approach: top down (feps), bottom up (implementors)
      • IceShrimp.NET (waiting and watching)
        • Already exposes context collections, integration testing pending
      • Mitra
        • Implemented (top-level only) context collections of objects, tested and working
    • Julian said 7888 is object-based contexts, 171b is activity-based contexts and notes that activity-based context can be more comprehensive (incl. likes, reactions, updates)
    • a ( notes that 7888 is more generic and doesn't specify object-vs-activity; notes there is also a missing link between an object and its Create activity.
    • angus ( notes Discourse is essentially following 7888 but wants to know how to represent likes if implementors are predominately object-based
    • a: use the likes collection, evan ( +1'd
    • Julian noted that the bottom-up approach (implementors) is mainly focused on backfill, and identifying other implementors.
    • Julian also notes that 171b implementors have made some inroads to support backfill from 7888 implementors, both FEPs are cross-compatible and we should strive to have it remain so

    Freeform brainstorming session

    • Goal: identify and prioritise short-to-medium term goals for the ForumWG
    • Medium: Jitsi whiteboard


    Unfortunately there was no note-taking during the whiteboarding session, but readers are encouraged to ask questions about items identified in the image above (or attached).

    • End goal is to be able to point to a set of FEPs if someone new to AP wanted to implement threaded discussions
    • Evan suggested that this would be a good report, but also recommended that a W3C explainer be created instead
    • Context ownership was identified as a foundational element that is worth exploring/fep creation, as it is what multiple future discussion items would be based upon.

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