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Who are the finest #community builders in the #activitypub ecosystem, in your opinion?


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  • Exciting times on thr Fedi!

    Uncategorized ghost activitypub fediverse
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    julian@community.nodebb.orgJ boy, when said "next week" he wasn't kidding.
  • Forum specific UX for remote categories

    Uncategorized activitypub forums
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    @AltCode said in Forum specific UX for remote categories: > My thinking was that all the remote categories you follow are listed in your /world page That might get a little hairy if you follow a lot of categories. Right now posts from any categories you follow would still show up in your world feed. If you follow a remote category, you would essentially be "tracking" the category, in NodeBB parlance. New topics and posts would show up in your /unread and /recent. If you "watch" the category, then you'll be notified of every new topic.
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    julian@community.nodebb.orgJ okay Apologies for not mentioning you up top. I did not know you were the maintainer for mbin, but now I do!
  • 0 Stimmen
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    julian@community.nodebb.orgJ Right, there's a possible social engineering vector at play here, which I think makes this a little concerning. I certainly don't like my time wasted either cc
  • Speaking of broken models and social contracts.

    Uncategorized mastodon activitypub
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    julian@community.nodebb.orgJ the default assumption is that announces are delivered back to the origin server in order to close the loop. However it is not a requirement. For example I am considering not doing so for group announces.
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    @eeeee it is likely due to audience. So, what happens on your end is you make a topic and mention the Lemmy community. When NodeBB federates that post out, the Lemmy community is included in the mentions, but it also specifies your category 18, World Chat, in audience. If Lemmy sees that, and it doesn't know about that community already, it will drop the activity immediately. If it does, then it will likely slot the post into the "World Chat on" community on that Lemmy instance. Lemmy removed audience checking, so this might be a non-issue. Once that Lemmy instance updates to the latest version, it'll hopefully post to the correct community. That's a tricky one, though, because which community should it post to? "Medicine" on, or "World Chat" on
  • 1 Stimmen
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    @Jakub-Urbanowicz can you please: create a test account on Run your NodeBB in dev mode (./nodebb dev) mention your account on your forum? Have your forum account reply back. See if there are any errors logged. ActivityPub errors are only logged to console in dev mode.
  • Test Post for @julian

    Uncategorized activitypub
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    Uups, next try