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Thinking about presentation slide content in ActivityPub

  • I was thinking about presentation slides today, and an idea came to me—

    Why not make an ActivityPub Note per slide for a presentation?

    The word count on slides is fairly low so probably fits the Note format. This is essentially what Cory Doctorow does in his excellent long threads, which then gave me some doubts based on the feedback that those got a while back.

    Slides are not Document or Article. Note (and Page) does fit fairly well though the next slide as a reply might get lost in other replies.

    The orderedItems property in an OrderedCollection would fit, but adds an additional complexity to the author (and implementation) of having an overarching collection. I think in my ideal world a Slide (or SequencedObject) would have optional next, prev, first, and last properties in addition to all the inherited Object properties, but without all the cruft of a partOf or current or whatever.

    Also I just described an item in a set, which brought a flood of memories of poorly implementing linked lists in the discrete mathematics course I took long ago.

    I wouldn't necessarily know the last property when drafting content until everything is finished, but could be added in an Update. That would generate a bunch of noise though.

    The closest I can find is PAE-06 Stories, but that is kind of meh.

    Anyway, it was an interesting thought experiment.

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