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Just published a post about Hackers' Pub's unique username change policy!

  • Just published a post about Hackers' Pub's unique username change policy! Unlike most #fediverse platforms, they allow a one-time username change while preserving your connections and content history. It's all possible thanks to some clever #ActivityPub implementation using UUID-based actor URIs instead of username-based ones. If you're interested in trying it out, the platform is currently in invitation-only beta—check the post for details on how to request access!

    #HackersPub #fedidev

  • Just published a post about Hackers' Pub's unique username change policy! Unlike most #fediverse platforms, they allow a one-time username change while preserving your connections and content history. It's all possible thanks to some clever #ActivityPub implementation using UUID-based actor URIs instead of username-based ones. If you're interested in trying it out, the platform is currently in invitation-only beta—check the post for details on how to request access!

    #HackersPub #fedidev

    Have you considered taking the next step and moving to DIDs? You not only don't need to be tied to a username, but you don't need to be tied to a DNS server name either.

    FEP-8b32: Object Integrity Proofs
    FEP-c390: Identity Proofs
    FEP-ef61: Portable Objects
  • Just published a post about Hackers' Pub's unique username change policy! Unlike most #fediverse platforms, they allow a one-time username change while preserving your connections and content history. It's all possible thanks to some clever #ActivityPub implementation using UUID-based actor URIs instead of username-based ones. If you're interested in trying it out, the platform is currently in invitation-only beta—check the post for details on how to request access!

    #HackersPub #fedidev username-based IDs was incredibly short-sighted of Mastodon (and others) to adopt.

    Using an incrementing id or uuid is not novel, merely baseline expectation for something expected to be mutable like a username.

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