I have a #Fediverse #ActivityPub question:
julian@community.nodebb.organtwortete an beaware@social.beaware.live zuletzt editiert von
@beaware@social.beaware.live no, I don't believe so. I agree that replicating replies and likes in their entirety to every server ever is an unscalable task, doing so on a conversation by conversation basis is perfectly fine and should be handled without issue by fediverse software.
danialbehzadi@persadon.comantwortete an treefit@fosstodon.org zuletzt editiert von
AP works in a push nature, not pull. It may be related to overload on servers. -
treefit@fosstodon.organtwortete an danialbehzadi@persadon.com zuletzt editiert von
@danialbehzadi I'm just wondering why clients don't pull on demand to provide a complete view on the comments
liaizon@social.wake.stantwortete an treefit@fosstodon.org zuletzt editiert von
@treefit @danialbehzadi some clients support this and some types of fediverse servers also support this. @jonny is currently working on a PR to add a "load more remote conversation" button into Mastodon if I understood right
julian@community.nodebb.organtwortete an liaizon@social.wake.st zuletzt editiert von
@liaizon@social.wake.st I'm not entirely sold on the replies collection traversal logic as penned by @jonny@neuromatch.social
It doubles down on the premise that individual notes are isolated entities whose connection to other notes is dictated solely by
.7888 introduces the concept of a conversational context, which is maintained by the original conversation starter. When you have an ad-hoc source like this, you can just ask the context owner to supply the entire set of responses in one single call (or perhaps a few more if paginated.) No
traversal needed. -
@julian @treefit I personally don't have any "horses in this race" other then getting things to work better. I would imagine #fep7888* would need serious "buy in" from Mastodon for it to really take hold as the way forward so if the way @jonny implementing this for Mastodon has potentially more of a likelihood of getting merged this year then I welcome it...
* https://socialhub.activitypub.rocks/t/fep-7888-demystifying-the-context-property/3021/19
julian@community.nodebb.organtwortete an liaizon@social.wake.st zuletzt editiert von
@liaizon@social.wake.st you are not wrong about that. @jonny@neuromatch.social's approach works now, but I'm not sure how well it will scale.
It could be perfectly fine. It might not, who knows.
But it's a good thing there's more to the fediverse than Mastodon.
julian@community.nodebb.organtwortete an jonny@neuromatch.social zuletzt editiert von
@jonny@neuromatch.social sure! NodeBB has it working now if you want to poke around on BrowserPub, just paste a topic URL into it.
v4.0.0 can pull entire topics in already (assuming the remote end supports it.)
When v4.1 drops you'll be able to do this via the topic URL itself.